Automakers have long known that cars aren’t just a man’s game. More than two-thirds of the new cars sold each year are bought by women; 8 out of 10 purchasing decisions are heavily and directly influenced by women.
“The factors that divide men and women buyers have really grown together,” says Margaret Brooks, a Chevrolet marketing manager. “If I went back 10 years ago, you would see much more of a difference in reasons for selecting a vehicle between men and women. Today they’re really very similar in terms of what they’re looking for.”
What do women want? Above all, a car they can trust
“Women car buyers are more cost-conscious and purchase fuel-efficient vehicles.”
Mercedes amg sls |
mercedes amg sls |
Range rover evoque convertible |
Range rover evoque convertible( white) |
From left to right- bentley( convertible), lamborghini, bentley coupe. |

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